Jerry Wellman

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

Wellman explores the realm of the non-rational narrative. His works are not abstract, yet also do not fit in to the confines of an easily understandable narrative. The work exists on a fragile border between storytelling and poetry, between rational … Continued

Eric Lemmon

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

Composer and Violist Eric Lemmon’s music has been described as using “a broad range of extended techniques and complex rhythms to create [a] beautifully ethereal nebulousness of sound”.  He received his Bachelors in Music at New York University’s Music and … Continued

Sarah Treharne

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

Sarah Treharne viu i treballa a Nova Jersey. Es va graduar cum laude de Mason Gross School of the Arts a la Rutgers University el 2014 amb un BFA amb una concentració en pintura. Ha assistit a residències d’artistes, inclosa … Continued

Natasha Cox

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

  Natasha viu i treballa a Londres i ha participat en l’organització d’espais de l’art alternatiu des de l’any 2013. En l’actualitat Natasha forma part del School of the Damned (“Col·legi dels Condemnats”), un programa màster igualitari i no jeràrquic … Continued

Potira Maia

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

Visual Artist who was born in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia in 1982. Live and work in João Pessoa, Brasil where develop researches in art and also acts as educator in the process of including people with deficiency in the public … Continued

Nicole Baute

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

Nicole Baute is an expatriate Canadian living in India, where she writes short fiction and essays. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Joyland, Eclectica Magazine, the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail and elsewhere. She teaches creative writing … Continued

Maya Perry

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

Maya Perry is an artist/musician based in Tel Aviv and New York City. She studied at the Minshar School of Art (Tlv) from which she graduated from in 2017. Her work focuses mainly on the dialogue between the conscious and the … Continued

Maria Palmeiro

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

She is a graduate in architecture and urban planning, dedicated to painting since 2011. She is currently finalizing a Master’s Degree in Arts at the School of Communication (ECO) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), where she … Continued

Javier Zamora Valdés

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

May 1, 1980. City of Havana. Cuba.  He graduated as an electrician and at the same time made the decision to dedicate himself to the plastic arts, the same ones he has been cultivating since he was a child. In … Continued

Paris Giachoustidis

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

Paris Giachoustidis is a precise observer of his environment, either in person, or on the media. His critical practice objectifies the semiology and the culture. Which kind of culture? for sure not only from his own land. His work scrutinizes … Continued