Jury Selection_ Writer Call __ June 2018

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Within the framework of this jury, 100 applications were received from writers all over the world and a large number of them were of an impressive quality. 20 participants are invited in the residency program for 2018 in addition, Can Serrat … Continued


posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

mbns is a continuously evolving collaboration that oscillates between thorough inquiry and engagement into perceptive responses. Interested in the act of unlearning, their work encourages conversations of time, synchronicity, spatial analysis, paradoxical realities, and human behavior. Since beginning mbns in August 2016, the … Continued

Andrea Guterres

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

Andrea Guterres is a composer and classical guitarist specializing in electroacoustic music, chamber music, and electronic soundscapes. Since graduating from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music (Australia), Andrea relocated to Berlin, where she has composed for and collaborated with numerous electroacoustic … Continued

James Cross

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

James Cross’s sculptural arrangements explore the conversations created by the interactions of objects. His works seek to provide an atmosphere, a basis for questions to arise. The multitudes of forms, which sit together in conversation, seek to figure each other … Continued

Rafael Cañete

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

Rafael Cañete (Barcelona, 1988) is a sound artist based in Copenhagen. He graduated in fine arts with a Bachelor in Sculpture and he also hold a Master in Music as an Interdisciplinary Art, both from University of Barcelona. He has … Continued

Visit from Escola Pau Vila de Esparraguera

posted in: Archive | 0

Yesterday, January 25th two groups of students – els artistes and els periodistes- of the Escola Pau Vila de Esparraguera visited Can Serrat. Thanks to collaborating artists Javier Zamora Valdes for his mono print workshop, María Emilia and Jerry Wellman … Continued