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Mother Tongue __ Llibreria La caníbal
26 June, 2018 @ 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

The circle could be done like this … Jaume will read his poems __ Verdaguer, i Cavalls blaus. These have been read and translated in English by Meghan and Jillian. They will read their translation of these poems, and then Meghan will read his poetry ‘wulf / eadwacer / both / neither’, thought a free translation work from ancient English, and then, Jillian will read her text ‘sculpture kills’, extracted from an investigation on contemporary artworks that have resulted in death. And then, Jaume will read his translations into Catalan of those texts.
And then, we will listen to Chris reading his ‘Portrait of the Artist as Notes for a Movie Based on a Poem’ that comes from a collection of poetry in progress titled ‘/ In the Vicinity of Riches /. Then, Mayssa will read his Arabic translation of this poetry and then she will read an extract from ‘Esquisse d’un place Bruxelloise’ that she wrote with the Perec’s method of attempting to exhaust a Parisian place. And then Chris will read his English translation of this ‘Esquisse’.
Then, we will listen to Natalya reading her flash fiction ‘Disappearing’, and then, Sophie will read her French translation of this text. And then!! She will read the subtitles on a soundtrack she did, named ‘Vous êtes ici” about displacement. And then !!!!! Natalya will read her translation into English about this text in movement.
And finally! We will drink a little water and will talk about how everything went. The reading and the process of translating, gender issues, structural issues, inspirations, references, etc.