Kwong, Kwok Wai Walter

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

  Kwong Kwok Wai is a writer, painter and former journalist. Like many people of Hong Kong born before 1997, he describes his life as segmented into two periods: the colonial rule and Chinese sovereignty. Through fictions and paintings alike, … Continued

Margo Davis

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

Margo’s poems have appeared in The Ekphrastic Review, Misfit Magazine, Light, Midwest Quarterly, Slipstream, Of Burgers and Ballrooms, Wisconsin Review, Agave Magazine, and A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. A former Pushcart nominee, Margo’s poems have appeared in several anthologies, including Untameable … Continued

Clara Puente

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

Clara Puente was born in Cantabria in the year 1989. Degree in Fine Arts in 2012, currently studying Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Seville. Enjoy proposing, investigating and also forcing relationships and direct connections within a network … Continued

Dany Diaz

Dany is an emerging writer from a rural area in Honduras. He started exploring his literary creation more seriously in 2017. His friend’s son, Marvin, was found murdered in the woods near his house. He accompanied Marvin’s sister, to retrieve … Continued

Chloe Azzopardi

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0

Chloe Azzopardi is a visual artist and writer currently based in Paris. She has a master degree in fine art and is now studying creative writing. Her work has been shown in France and China. Her practice explores human and … Continued