Lena Wurz

  My practice focuses on the perception of architectural and emotional spaces. I draw inspiration from the act of collecting and movements of the body. I work using collage, drawing, writing, and printmaking to create installations. Deconstructing and arranging words … Continued

Carla Nyman

  Actress, poet and screenwriter. She graduated in Hispanic Philology at the University of Seville. Several of her films have received more than twenty selections and ten awards., “Mientras la puerta siga cerrada” was selected to participate in the III … Continued


Rana San

  Rana San is an intermedia artist, curator, and night dreamer pondering language and lineage, intimacy and interdependence. Her curatorial and creative practice centers experimental and analog approaches to storytelling through film, writing,... READ MORE

Erica Eisen

  Erica X Eisen’s works have appeared or are forthcoming in The Guardian, Hazlitt, The New Inquiry, The Threepenny Review, The LA Review of Books China Channel, Electric Literature, Ploughshares Blog, The Harvard... READ MORE