BE SPORT was created in order to offer sports activities, workshops, and occupational therapy to young people and children living with disabilities. We have unconditional support from Fundación Johan Cruyff and Can Serrat International Residency. The organization also recently began a relationship with the city hall in El Bruc.
At BE SPORT, we work to promote sports as a tool of inclusion and social change through fun and effort, creating a sense of belonging within a team. We wish to improve the quality of life for people who are a part of the BE SPORT community thanks to the benefits and values that recreational and competitive sports provide.
Our more specific objectives include working to develop gross and fine motor skills through sport and recreation. BE SPORT provides quality service in sports activities and ensures a supportive emotional environment, social inclusion, and the physical and psychic wellbeing for people with disabilities.
Furthermore, we enjoy developing most of our activities in the Natural Park of the Montserrat mountain.
BE SPORT offers full-day experiences on Saturdays in sports and the arts. Our current routine includes playing pádel at Slam Pádel in Collbató as well as arts workshops at Can Serrat in El Bruc.
At BE SPORT we do special activities throughout the year. This includes one-day stays–or longer–in nature, different kinds of recreational outdoor sports, leisure activities, and educational or school-based support,…
Instagram: BE_SPORT_4ALL