Emilia Lopez


She is a documentary filmmaker and editor. In her early filming experiences, she found that a deeper relationship with the film’s characters was generated if she shared something from her world. By sharing some artistic practices she knew from her university studies, she began a proposal to produce collectively constructed artistic works, where issues of community interest are reflected upon through art. Over 10 years, these pieces have strengthened emotional bonds and the identity of a wide variety of communities in Mexico. Prioritizing local exhibition spaces such as patron saint festivals, festivals, and local cultural centers, expanding the formal concept of a museum or gallery to the community. Due to the pandemic, she reconfigures her production; this time it is the plants, yeasts, and soil in her garden that make up her community. Understanding, caring for, and reproducing life (not exclusively human) has since been the driving force behind her studies and work.

Emilia does her residency at Can Serrat during May 2024.