Meeting with artist

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Every first friday of each month around 5 pm at Can Serrat – artists in residency agree to explain about their work and project for Can Serrat – this event can be public regarding the energy of the group.

Critic sessions

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From the second week of each month – begin critic sessions (private or public) / during these meetings the public is invited – first – to comment on the work they are looking at / listenning to (etc.) – second … Continued

Open Studio

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During the last week of November, Can Serrat will present a selection of projects that residents worked on and developed throughout the year. The selection process and organized event will be a collaborative effort between the Director of the residency … Continued

Language exchange

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Each month, a Friday at 7 pm talk with friends a causal moment – to chat and exchange between english, catalan, spanish, etc. Where ? Bar “El Cal Cobix” in El Bruc