Maluy Benet

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0


Author of several textbooks Xicalla (Ed. Barcanova); Llengua 3 (Ed. Anaya), Vet-ho-ací adaptations, Tres i no res (Ed. Onda), etc. In Un passeig sentimental per l’escola les Carolines I picked up my stage as a teacher. I have collaborated in some periodical publications Papers, Saó, Perspective Escolar, Abalorio, etc. And I have received several awards such as the XIII Premis Literaris Ciutat de Xàtiva, L’Encobert, IX Premis Literaris de l’Alcúdia, 2nd Premi Conta’m Dona, etc. Author of children narrative Els visitants de Mont-virolat (Ed. La Nau) and youth literature L’útim paradís, Missatge en un rellotge and Un café sol (Tabarca Llibres). I have participated in the publication Mil·lenni. The collective novel Hostes (Ed. Marfil) is the result of the work of the Cercle d’Escriptura formed by five writers.

As a translator and interpreter, I have written fiction (theater, novel, children’s stories …) and nonfiction.

I have illustrated with photographs the book Sentiments (Group 10), I have collaborated in the realization of the photography of La Comunitat Valenciana of Cristopher Makos, in the exhibition of Sebastião Salgado in the Biennal of Valencia and I have taken my photographic exhibition Presències by several. exhibition halls


About her process while in residency >>

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