Aixa Rava (Tierra del Fuego, 1982). Professor of Literature at the Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Neuquén), writer and editor. She is in charge of the chairs Didactics of Second Languages and Language, Literature and its Didactics at the Teacher Training College for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing at the Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N.º 4 (Neuquén). She directs the publishing house of illustrated books Tanta Ceniza Editora and is a member of the Editorial Committee of the Instituto de Arte Americano e Investigaciones Estéticas “Mario J. Buschiazzo” (FADU-UBA).
She published the poetry books Barda (Buenos Aires Poetry, 2014), La luz no se corta como el papel (Ediciones con doble zeta, 2016), Los sitios de mi cuerpo (Añosluz Editora, 2019) and En el patio crece una planta rosario (Qeja Ediciones, 2021). She participated in the anthologies Rumiar. Volumen I (Rumiar Editorial, 2018), Poesía Añosluz (Añosluz Editora, 2020), Poesía Neuquén (Honorable Legislatura del Neuquén, 2020), Camellia. Mujeres que toman té (Tanta Ceniza Editora, 2021), Flor del Espinillo XXI (Municipality of Curuzú Cuatiá, 2021) and Paisajes del interior. Antología de mujeres poetas de la Patagonia (Isla Negra Editores, 2021).
She is part of the Colectiva de Escritoras Patagónicas, a project that disseminates the voices of Patagonian women writers in the YouTube channel “Algún poema tiene que haber”:
Aixa will be in residence at Can Serrat during the months of August – September 2022