Bo Vloors


Bo Vloors (°1993, she/her) is a visual artist, photographer, filmmaker and writer who lives and works in Brussels.

Using photography, film and text, her work revolves around human relations, their surroundings and the influential power of images. “The Image” stands central in her practice. She uses the art of image-making to visualize her interest in human behavior and their surroundings. Striving to balance aesthetics and content, her work gently unfolds (her own) human vulnerability with a certain tenderness, intimacy and uncertainty.

In her most recent works she became more skeptical about the romanticized perception of images and introduced words and text into her practice as an additional counterbalance. Approaching her writings as The Missing Image, they have a complementary, affirmative or rhetorical purpose in relation to the actual image. Addressing the image’s limited representation of reality, emphasizing on the responsibility of the image maker and questioning the romanticized nature of images, “The Image” continues to root at the core of her artistic practice, both as subject and material.

Bo will do her residency at Can Serrat in June 2024.