The hyphen in the Russian-Mizrahi origin, who considers Catalonia our home. A multidisciplinary artist whose current disciplines are poetic writing and ceramics. Our poetic intervention is a form of expression where nature reveals its diverse modes of sensuality, infused with experiences of the other, a lack of roots and of defined gender identity, a striving towards symbiotic existence, and gratitude for the living and the non-living. Embedded within our poetic practices lies an essayistic half, a profound inclination towards exploring the connections that intertwine nature, human society, and the phenomenon of gift-giving. We are particularly intrigued by the roots of gift-giving within nature’s modes of being, especially in relation to solar energy. This fascination has led us to delve into the realms of energy humanities, biomimicry, and social and economic practices grounded in solidarity inspired by nature’s wisdom.
Kliment Ionah Bat Nuur Maikov will be in residence at Can Serrat during January-February 2025.