Emma English


Emma is a 25-year-old British writer, who last year completed her degree in English Literature at The University of Glasgow. As part of her degree, she composed an auto-fictional creative dissertation entitled ‘Weave Yourself a Tapestry’, a narrative reweaving of a psychotic breakdown experienced at the age of 21. Working within this auto-fictional genre developed Emma’s fascination with the idea of experience as something textual and textile, something woven from sound, image and language. For Emma then, writing is simply one expression of the weaving of experience, an intricate process undertaken by every one of us in the tricky art of living.
Emma has been living in Spain since September 2023, and will stop via Can Serrat on her wandering return to the UK. On residency, she is excited to try and weave together all the colours and languages, natures, dreamings and scribblings she has been collecting from this beautiful country.

Emma is doing her residence at Can Serrat in July 2024.