Livia Ortiz Rios

posted in: Artists, Past Residents | 0


Livia Ortiz Ríos (1985. Arecibo, Puerto Rico) Lives and works in New York. In 2012 she completed her MFA in Studio Arts from the Memphis College of Art. Recently, her works where exhibited at Embajada Gallery (San Juan, 2022), Kilometro 0.2 (San Juan, 2022) and 7 Lispenard (NYC, 2022). Previous group shows include: […] Entreformas at the Musuem of Art of Puerto Rico curated by Abdiel Segarra Ríos, ProxyCo Gallery (NYC, 2021) The Green Gallery in collaboration with Embajada Gallery (Milwaukee, 2021), Freight + Volume Gallery (NYC), Masur Museum (Louisiana, 2015) and La Muestra Nacional del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña (San Juan, 2015) among others. Livia’s work has been featured in New American Paintings Magazine and in 2016 was awarded a residency in Vermont Studio Center.


Livia Ortiz Ríos will be in residence during May 2024