Zurelys López Amaya


Zurelys López Amaya, Havana, 1967. Poet, storyteller, and journalist. Graduated in Social Communication from the University of Havana. Her work has been published both within and outside the island. Among the published books are “Pactos con la sombra,” Editorial Unicornio, Artemisa, 2009; “Rebaños,” Editorial Extramuros, Havana, 2010, both reissued by Atom Press (Florida, USA), 2010; “Minúsculos espejos,” Editorial Latin Heritage Foundation, (Washington, USA), 2011; “La señora solitaria,” Editorial Unión, Havana, 2014; “Lanzar la piedra,” with the Spanish poet Verónica Aranda, Editorial Corazón de Mango, Colombia, 2015; “Rebaños,” Bilingual reissue, Editorial Cubanabooks, (USA), 2016; “Levitaciones,” Ediciones Matanzas, 2016; “La vela y el náufrago,” Editorial Polibea, Spain, 2016; “La carpa infinita,” Mantis Editores, Mexico, 2017; “El barco elegido,” Ediciones Unión, Havana, 2018, and “Paisaje interior,” Ediciones Vigía, 2019, Matanzas; and “Levitaciones,” digital reissue, Editorial Cubaliteraria, Havana, 2021. She has participated in various International Festivals and Book Fairs both within and outside the island. She has received awards and mentions in national and foreign competitions. She is a member of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC).

Zurelys did her residency at Can Serrat in November 2023.