Yagmur Uyanik


Yağmur Uyanık explores the relationship between humans and the world, the meaning and making of cultural customs, and their spatial contexts. She examines the shifting status of objects, hybridity in cultures, and transformations in the modes of knowledge-making. Her practice centers around creating multimedia installations that investigate notions of identity, authenticity, and resonance through divergent research on material, production and their relationship with technology.

Uyanik has received her Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Istanbul Bilgi University and her Master’s degree in Art & Technology from San Francisco Art Institute as a Fulbright scholar. Her work was shown internationally at institutions including Ars Electronica, Linz; ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe; Akbank Sanat, Istanbul; Çanakkale Biennial, Çanakkale; Furtherfield Gallery, London; Geneva International Film Festival, Geneva; Exploratorium and Diego Rivera Gallery, San Francisco. Her work was written about in publications such as Archinet, Designcollector, Designmilk, FRAME Magazine, and Earmilk.

Yagmur takes up residency at Can Serrat in September 2024.