María Ovelar

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María Ovelar (Alicante, 1982) is a writer in the broadest sense: a poet, journalist, translator (English, French, Japanese, and Italian), creative copywriter, and performance artist. In addition to collaborating with EL PAÍS, a newspaper where she worked for thirteen years, 20Minutos, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, and several Condé Nast publications (Traveler, Glamour), she has been a literature and French teacher in India (Mahindra United World College) and a creative copywriter for brands. With a Master’s degree in journalism from UAM / EL PAÍS, a degree in Translation and Interpretation, and an International Baccalaureate with a scholarship at the United World College of the Adriatic, María Ovelar has organized literary events for the Madrid City Council and 21Distritos (Emilia Pardo Bazán series, the mystics …). She also teaches writing workshops in libraries and high schools. She has moderated several open mics and is the founder of the feminist discussion group LaSafo and co-founder of the poetic-activist collective Arta, with which she created and performed. She has appeared in music videos, literature festivals, and short films; she also DJs as DJ Arta. She has published two poetry collections with Valparaíso Ediciones; Las oceánicas, with a foreword by poet and essayist Olga Novo, National Poetry Prize winner, and Diccionario de términos eufemísticos. Her poems and stories have been published in magazines and anthologies. In 2019, she won the Axouxere artistic residency to start her first novel. In late 2022, she won the Aliar Ediciones prize and her poem Canon will be included in the IV Aliar Anthology.


María Ovelar will be in residence from June 1, 2024, to July 31, 2024.